
This structure stores information on DHL service points.

Structure Fields

Field Name Type Description
address SearchAddressStructure Structure containing address data of the point
description string Description of the point
longitude string Latitude
latitude string Longitude
sap string SAP number
monOpen string Opening time on Monday
monClose string Closing time on Monday
tueOpen string Opening time on Tuesday
tueClose string Closing time on Tuesday
wedOpen string Opening time on Wednesday
wedClose string Closing time on Wednesday
thuOpen string Opening time on Thursday
thuClose string Closing time on Thursday
friOpen string Opening time on Friday
friClose string Closing time on Friday
satOpen string Opening time on Saturday
satClose string Closing time on Saturday
sunOpen string Opening time on Sunday
sunClose string Closing time on Sunday
workInHoliday boolean Whether open on holidays
name string Name
type string Type
cod boolean COD
codCard boolean Card payments only
addInfo string Additional info
service string Service type
withLabel boolean Possibility of shipping with a label
latePickup boolean Late pickup
partnerPointNumber string Partner point number


        <description>Children’s bookstore</description>
        <addInfo>Punkt z późnym zbiorem - paczki nadane w tym punkcie do godz. 17.00 od pon. do pt., wyruszą w drogę tego samego dnia.</addInfo>
        <partnerPointNumber>test point</partnerPointNumber>
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