CustomsData structure

This structure contains data on customs clearance. Completed structures of this type are used to define customs details for shipments created with the createShipments method.

Structure Fields

Field Name Type Required? Description
customsType string(1) Yes Type of customs clearance (S - simplified, I - individual)
costsOfShipment integer Yes Gross value of transport paid by the recipient to the buyer
currency string(3) Yes Currency for simplified customs clearance (GBP, PLN, EUR, CHF, USD)
Currency for individual customs clearance (GBP, EUR)
nipNr string(17) Yes (for individual customs clearance) NIP number
eoriNr string(17) Yes (for individual customs clearance) EORI number
vatRegistrationNumber string(15) Yes VAT registration number
eoriNrReceiver string(17) Yes (for individual customs clearance) Numer EORI - receiver
vatRegistrationNumberReceiver string(15) Yes VAT registration number - receiver
categoryOfItem string(2) Yes Category of items for simplified customs clearance: (according to dictionary: 9 - “Other", 11 - “Sale of goods", 21 - “Return of goods", 31 - “Gifts", 32 - “Samples of goods", 91 - “Documents") Category of items for individual customs clearance: (according to dictionary: 9 - “Other", 11 - “Sale of goods", 21 - “Return of goods", 32 - “Samples of goods")
invoiceNr string(35) Yes (for individual customs clearance) Invoice number
invoiceDate string(10) Yes (for individual customs clearance) Invoice data (format YYYY-MM-DD)
countryOfOrigin string(2) No Country of origin of the goods. Permitted values according to ISO 3366-1 alfa-2.
additionalInfo string(100) No Additional information
grossWeight float Yes Weight of the goods
firstName string(30) Yes Name of the contact person
secondaryName string(30) Yes Surname of the contact person
customAgreements CustomsAgreementData Yes Structure for consents and declarations
customsItem array Yes Array CustomsItemData structures
invoice base64 Yes (for individual customs clearance) VAT invoice


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