GetPnp Method

Enables the generation of a co-called PSC report (Parcel Shipment Confirmation). This type of report is used by customers printing BLP labels.

Input Parameters

Field Name Type Required? Description
authData AuthData Yes Authorisation structure
date string Yes Date for which the report is generated (the report lists shipments sent on a specific date)
type string Yes For which shipments it is to be generated, available dictionary values:
EX - domestic express shipments up to 31.5 kg
DR - domestic shipments above 31.5kg
ALL - all types of shipments
2EUROPE - export shipments
PR - Premium shipments

Output Parameters

Field Name Type Required? Description
fileName array - Name of the generated report file
fileData string - Binary data of the label (encoded in Base64)
fileMimeType string - MIME type of the label to be sent (currently only application/pdf)

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