Recipient’s address structure

Recipient data address structure - differs from the basic address structure in that it contains additional fields for defining foreign addresses. This structure is the basic object used to transmit address data. It is used, for instance, to transfer the shipping address and delivery address in the createShipments method.

Structure Fields

Field Name Type Required? Description
addressType string(1) Yes Address type (B/C)
country string(60) Yes Country code
isPackstation bool No Delivery to DHL Parcelstation
isPostfiliale bool No Delivery to DHL Parcelshop
postnummer string(10) No Customer number - required only for DE with deliveries to parcel lockers
name string(60) Yes Company name or first name and surname.
postalCode string(10) Yes Postal code
city string(17) Yes City name
street string(35) Yes Street
houseNumber string(10) Yes House number
In the case of deliveries of international Connect shipments to DHL Parcelstation or DHL Parcelshop - parcelstation or parcelshop number The sum of characters in the "apartmentNumber" and "houseNumber" fields shall not exceed 15 characters.
apartmentNumber string(10) No Apartment number The sum of characters in the "apartmentNumber" and "houseNumber" fields shall not exceed 15 characters.
contactPerson string(60) No Name and surname of the contact person
contactPhone string(20) No Contact phone number
contactEmail string(60) No Contact e-mail


    <name>Testan Testington</name>
    <contactPerson>Testan Testington</contactPerson>
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